Coalition origins
In 2016, a broad coalition formed to seek repeal of MA’s Family Cap rule. Since 1995 state welfare "reform," this rule denied cash assistance to children conceived while the parent was receiving cash assistance.
With leadership by Sen. DiDomenico and Rep. Decker, the coalition succeeded in repealing the family cap rule in 2019! Click here to learn more about the Lift the Cap on Kids effort.
In 2019, the coalition re-formed as the Lift Our Kids Coalition to advocate for raising grant levels for all cash assistance recipients and address Deep Poverty in MA.
Cash assistance and Deep Poverty
Massachusetts has two main cash assistance programs:
Transitional Aid for Families with Dependent Children (TAFDC) for low-income families with children
Emergency Aid to the Elderly Disabled and Children (EAEDC) for low-income people with disabilities and older adults
Deep Poverty is income that is below half of the federal poverty level (50% FPL)
In 2025, Deep Poverty for a family of three is $1,110 a month
The federal poverty level is adjusted every year
Because MA law does not require an annual cost of living adjustment, cash assistance grant levels were frozen for decades and lost nearly half their value
For 20 years, the maximum TAFDC grant for a family of 3 with no income was $593 a month
For over 30 years, the EAEDC grant level was stuck at just $303 a month for an older adult or person with a disability with no income
Racist and misogynist assumptions – like the pervasive “welfare queen” myths – about who is deserving of assistance underlie cash assistance policies, including the lack of a cost-of-living adjustment for grants
In 1996, Congress’s federal welfare “reform” changed program to a block grant to states, focused on time-limiting support, and increased work requirements and punitive rules
Low cash assistance grants levels disproportionately harm children of color in MA and deepen racial inequities in our state
Deep poverty hurts kids – causing health and emotional damage, homelessness and housing instability, impaired school performance, and toxic stress.
Coalition progress
In January 2021, the Lift Our Kids Coalition persuaded the Massachusetts Legislature to increase grants by 10% - a historic breakthrough!
This was the 1st increase for TAFDC since 2000
It was the 1st increase for EAEDC since 1988
Between 2021 and 2024, the Lift Our Kids Coalition has achieved an incredible three more increases to grants through the Legislature’s budget process
These increases would not have happened without the persistent advocacy of our legislative leaders, Senator Sal DiDomenico and Representative Marjorie Decker
The increases brought grant levels closer to the Deep Poverty level, but still did not reach it due to steep inflation
Setback: In January 2024, Gov. Healey cut a 10% grant increase scheduled for April 2024
The Governor’s unilateral budget cut to cash assistance programs wiped out the grant increase that the Coalition achieved in the FY24 budget.
The cut was a real blow to the effort to reach Deep Poverty
The Legislature approved another 10% increase to grants for April 2025, but Governor Healey has proposed eliminating that increase, as well.
Join our movement
The Coalition has grown to over 160 organizations and many more individuals over the last six years who care about addressing Deep Poverty in MA and are fighting to raise grant levels
Join our coalition email list if you are interested in getting involved
Check out our action page for updates and events
“Toward the end of the month, there will be days I don’t eat to make sure (my son) eats, because that’s my son. I have to make sure that he has.”